The Men’s Ministry of Confluence exists to help men grow into the image of Jesus. This results in healthier individuals, better families, and stronger communities.
Consistent Study
We believe the Word of God speaks to every aspect of a man’s life. The individual. The husband. The father. The employer and employee. The neighbor. There is no part of a man’s life that God’s Word doesn’t address.
Join us Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM for worship, prayer, and Bible study.
Regular Fellowship
Fellowship is an essential part of walking out our Christianity. We can’t win the battles we face in life on our own. We are made for friendships that are real and that keep us accountable.
Join us for a Men’s Breakfast at 7:00 AM on the third Saturday of the month.
Deliberate Retreats
God values and honors time set apart to seek Him. Each year, we take a weekend to retreat, spending extended time seeking God and investing in one another.
Make it a priority to get away with other guys, disrupting a normal routine to seek God.